Sunday, April 10, 2011

quality management system

we seekingfor the knowledge!!!

quality management principle
  1. customer focus
  2. leadership
  3. involvement of people
  4. process approach
  5. system approach to management
  6. continual improvement
  7. factual approach to decision making
  8. mutual beneficial spplier relationship
customer focus
  • increase revenue and market share obtained through flexible and fast to market opportunities
  • increase effectiveness in the use of the organization's resources to enhance customer saisfication
  • improve customer loyalty leading to repeat business
  • peolple will understand and be motivated towards th organization's goals and objectives
  • activiies are wvaluated, aligned, and implemented in a unified way
  • miscomunication between levels of an organization will be minimised
involvement of people
  • motivate committed and involved people within he organization
  • innovatin and creativity in furthering the oganization's objectives
  • people being accountable for their own performance
  • people eager to participate in and contribute to continual improvement
process approach
  • ower costs and shorter cycle times through effective use f resources
  • improved, consistent and predictable results
  • focused and prioritised improvement opportunities
 system approach to management
  • integration and alignment of the process that will best achieve the desired results.
  • ability to focus effort on the key processes
  • providing confident to interested parties to the consistency,effectiveness, and efficiency of the organization
continual improvement
  • performance advantage through improved organizational capabilities
  •  alignment of improvement activities at all levels to an organization's strategic intent
  • flexibility to react quickly to opportunities
factual approach to decision making
  • informed decision
  • an increase ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of past decision through reference to factual records
  • increased ability to review, challenge, and change opinions and decisions.
mutually beneficial supplier relationship
  • incresed ability to create value for both parties
  • flexibility and speed to joint responses to changing market or customer needs and expectations
  • optimization of costs and resources
we seekingfor the knowledge!!!

standard of derived quantities
capasitive standards
c = c/v
capasitance of 1 farad when 1 coulumb of charge is stored due to one volt applied potential different across a plate
when there are difference in electric charge between the plate , an electric field is created in the region between the plate that is propotional to the amount of charge that has been moved from one plate to the other
this electric field creates a potential differnce v = Ed between the plate of the simple parallel- plate capasitor

inductive standards
inductive is an effect which result from the magnetic field that forms around a current-carrying conductor
electrical current through the conductor creates a magnetic flux propotional to the current
a change in tis current creates a change in magnetic flux that, in turn , generates an electromotive force(emf0 that acts to oppose this change of current
an inductor with an inductance of 1 H produces an emf of 1V WHEN THE CURRENT through the inductor changes at rate of 1A

Saturday, April 9, 2011

note instrument

we seekingfor the knowledge!!!
chapter 2:standards
classification of standards
  • international standards
  • primary standards
  • secondary standards
  • working standards
international standards

maintain systematically by actual meaurement in physic definition
not available to ordinary user for purpose of day-to-day comparisons and calibration

primary standard
to calibrate @check & certify secondary reference standards
not easily available t an ordinary user of instruments for verification @calibration or working standards

secondary standards
s the maintanance & perriodic calibration of secondary standard against primary standards of the national standard lab@org.
freely available to the ordinary user of instrumentfor checking

working standards
high accuracy devices that commercially avasilable

standard of fundamental quantities
  • mass
  • time
  • length
  • tmperature
  • absolute ampere
international prototype kiogram(platinum-iridium)
39mm height and 39mm diameter cylinder of the alloy

meter as a length of the international prototype meter,
the distance between two finely scribed lines of platinum iridium bar bar when subject to certain specified conditions  
"the meter is the length of the path traveled by light in vACUUM during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second "

absolute ampere
unit of electric charge ,coulumb is define in term of the ampere one coulumb is the amount of electric charge carried in a current of one ampere flowing for one second
current then is the rate at which flows thruough a wire or surface.
the ampere is most accurately realised using watt balance, but is in practise maintained via ohms law from the unit of emf and resistance, the volt and ohm ,since the latter two can be tied to physical phenomena that are relatively easy te reproduce, the josephson junction and quantum hall effect respectively.

voltage standards
volt is defined as the potential different across a conductor when a current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power
volt is maintain internationally for practical measurement using the josephson effect

mari kite terjah !!!!!!

apo itu josephson effect??????
two superconductor linked by a conducting barrier known as a josephson junction;the current that crosess the barrier is the josephson current.

  • the junction is biased with dc current. the junction is exposed to high frequency microwave radiation (GHz).a d voltage is produced across the junction voltage is diretly propotinal to frequenccy
as the bias current was increased the voltage increased in a number of equal steps of constant voltage.the voltage is particular step is given by
v = (f.n.h)/(2e)

ok lah da ngantok bgt ini...tido be cotinued kkkk......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, April 2, 2011

mood final mkin membare!!!!!

we seekingfor the knowledge!!!

aq sekarang emosi x bpe nk stbil....mybecoz tekanan x pe aq sekarang dah ade yg tlg bntu tok kurang kn tekanan 2.....alhamdulilah....kadang2 bnde yg kite xaspect slalu terjadi....hehehee...mcm

ok sekarang rse mcm da nmpk ckit mse depan yg cerah....walau aq xtercapai tok ceburi cos medical asal ade org yg aq syg dlm cos 2 pon cukup la....medical is important 4 our life....klau btul aq akn jd engineer in medical engineering aq akn bntu org dlm medical 2 senang...mcm2 innovation will i done 2 give medical klau xdpt alamat nyer yerjun ke bidang laen ler sygggggg oiiiiiiii.....xpe byk lg bende yg kite mam pu lakukan in this wrld....kate2 en. fauzul "xade nsib kt dunia nie tp semua adalah pilihan kite sendiri"